Wednesday 31 October 2007


For something to be virtual it is a representation of what is real, rather than actual reality, thus we have the term "virtual reality" or as Jamiroquai refers to as "virtual insanity" where the lyrics are listed in one of my blogs. By saying Insanity Jamiroquai looks at this whole virtual world that we live in today, as crazy and controlling, and taking over what is really "real".
Marcos Novak a transarchitect, artist and theorist, believes there is "virtual space" who believes that our experience of reality is always subjective, intersubjective and social because to Novak we as humans can not know anything except as subjects. Novak believes that the "real" is already virtual, and the "space" that he tells us about is what meditates between the real and the technological, a virtual space of conciousness.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Cool? To be or not to be?

Why does everything have to be classified as cool or uncool? What is cool? We have so many definitions of it? When really there is nothing that can be 100 percent agreed on as cool or uncool because everyone has a different perception of what is and what is not. Some people may think getting into a fight is "cool", others may completely dis agree with it. What is percieved to be cool is also affected by age and time.

Our world is rapidly changing and at a young age we may try and conform to the majority, in order to be "cool", then we may go through a phase of trying to be different from everyone else, again to be seen as "cool" and then we may just get to a stage where we really don't care and just want to be ourselves.

With the affect of time however, now at younger ages, children may want to rebel from the majority, the norm, in order to be seen as cool, and not the same as everyone else, and this is due to the culture we live in, and how quickly we all seem to be growing up, due to the media influences around us, which also then links to the whole aspect of this virtual reality that we live in today.

People now even makes jokes if someone hasn't joined facebook for example. "Your uncool if you don't have facebook, facebook is the way forward" etc. Now how uncool is that for someone to even say something like that!

Will we ever discover what really is cool and what is not? The simple answer is No. Just as we will never truly agree on what is wrong and right. We may have laws telling us this, but that doesn't stop us from doing what we as individuals think is right or wrong, what we think is acceptable or unacceptable, and what we think is cool or uncool.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

What is our world coming to..

Drama is the art of gaining and maintaining people's attention therefore the media uses it to enhance this. In some ways it takes away the tradional aspect of true performance, but in other ways, it becomes more appealing to a wider audience, and at the same time promotes itself further.

Everything today has become digital, time is rapidly changing, and people are starting to depend on this "digital" and modern culture that we live in. A large majority of people today download all films, and music, which takes away the atmosphere of going to the theatre, or going to a concert for example. We forget how spoilt we are, and often take a lot for granted.

Everything is so instant to us, we become impatient waiting more than an a day for our photos to be developed, and what person does not have a digital camera or a mobile phone? What happened to the days when we took the cheap disposable cameras out for a special occasion, waiting for pictures that we have no idea how will turn out. What happened to conversation instead of internet chat or facebook?

To be cont!..

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Virtual Insanity..

The wonderful words of Jamiroquai..

What we're living in
It's a wonder man can eat at all
When things are big that should be small
Who can tell what magic spells we'll be doing for us
And I'm giving all my love to this world
Only to be toldI can't see
I can't breathe
No more will we be
And nothing's going to change the way we live
Cos' we can always take but never give
And now that things are changing for the worse
Its a crazy world we're living in
And I just can't see that half of us immersed in sin
Is all we have to give these
Futures made of virtual insanity now
Always seem to, be govern'd by this love we have
For useless, twisting, our new technology
Now there is no sound - for we all live underground
And I'm thinking what a mess we're in
Hard to know where to begin
If I could slip the sickly ties that earthly man has made
And now every mother, can choose the colour of her child
That's not nature's way
Well that's what they said yesterday
There's nothing left to do but pray
I think it's time I found a new religion
It's so insane to synthesize another strain
There's something in these Futures that we have to be told.

Virtual Insanity is what we re living in.....

Wednesday 3 October 2007

zaza x

what is real?