Tuesday 23 October 2007

What is our world coming to..

Drama is the art of gaining and maintaining people's attention therefore the media uses it to enhance this. In some ways it takes away the tradional aspect of true performance, but in other ways, it becomes more appealing to a wider audience, and at the same time promotes itself further.

Everything today has become digital, time is rapidly changing, and people are starting to depend on this "digital" and modern culture that we live in. A large majority of people today download all films, and music, which takes away the atmosphere of going to the theatre, or going to a concert for example. We forget how spoilt we are, and often take a lot for granted.

Everything is so instant to us, we become impatient waiting more than an a day for our photos to be developed, and what person does not have a digital camera or a mobile phone? What happened to the days when we took the cheap disposable cameras out for a special occasion, waiting for pictures that we have no idea how will turn out. What happened to conversation instead of internet chat or facebook?

To be cont!..

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