Wednesday 5 December 2007

Violence on the internet?

As part of my group presentation we have been looking at Violence on the internet, and asking ourselves if the internet is contributing to violence in today's society. It is hard to distinguish, as there is so much violence present in the world around us today, which is caused by a numerous amount of reasons. Many people may blame films, video games, music and so on as they appear as the foundation influence towards violence, but no one really thinks about how accesible the internet is to access these clips and songs again but a lot of the time these have become edited. For example there can be acts of violence taken from the news or from movies that have been edited with songs, and quotes which can even change the mood of the topic, forexample making it funny. It is strange to think that people will actually watch these clips and posts as a form of entertainment, and not thinking anything of it. Ofcourse people can make their comments and disagree with the whole idea, but many people don't even acknowledge how serious what they are looking at is, and examples such as happy slapping show a perfect example of an act of violence that many people will find entertaining. Sites such as youtube allow people to send in their own videos of acts of violence, and people actually watch this with enjoyment, which in my opinion is very wrong to an extent, yet i am still being a hypocrit as i have watched indiviudual posts from people and thought little of it untill afterwards when i have felt bad for watching such things. I think we can say that the internet may not necessarily cause or contribute to all the problems but it definately de-sythesises people which may cause problems in the long run. Thank you xx

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